A new animation has been launched to help explain how local partners are changing and improving services as part of the Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF) in Devon
The CMHF is a national programme aimed at transforming, expanding and improving community mental health services for those with severe mental illnesses (SMI). Here in Devon, Devon Partnership NHS Trust and Livewell Southwest, the providers of secondary mental health services, have been leading on work to implement those changes in Devon, working closely alongside other services such as GPs, social services, the Devon Mental Health Alliance, and those with lived experience.
Jenny Ball (Chair) works substantively within Adult Mental Health Services (Locality Practice Lead for Devon Partnership Trust – Adult Directorate), alongside a secondment role (Locality Change Co-ordinator) into the implementation team for the Community Mental Health framework (CMHF). As Chair of the CMHF Implementation Group she is focused on developing a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) that is both place-based and person-centred, working closely with the Devon Mental Health Alliance.
Community Mental Health framework (website)
Devon’s Community Mental Health (Video)
Overview CMHF slides (Pdf)
CMHF Local implementation Team meetings
Approved Northern Locality Implementation Meeting Notes 16-2-22