Visit the hospital discharge and admission avoidance section of our website.

  • Simon Rapsey, Hospital Discharge OND lead 
  • Jade Greewal, Community Flow manager (incl. Royal Devon NHS Trust Volunteer coordinator for ‘Settle and Support at Home’ service) 
  • Tom Dart, Community Flow Coordinator – connecting patients to their communities and wider support 
  • TTVS have begun to approach volunteer organisations from across North Devon and Torridge (please contact (if your one community is interested)  
  • ‘Settle and Support at Home’ volunteers will visit patient at their home / offer phone call support (1-3 visits/calls) to help them settle at home after discharge and/or connect them to their communities and/or ‘healthy home checks’ (Fires safety check, energy efficiency review, financial support). Volunteers will be able to join the service either through the Royal Devon Healthcare Trust, TTVS or a registered 3rd party  
  • One Northern Devon are undertaking initial scoping discussions with DCC Integrated Adult social care and North Devon District Hospital about the unregulated support currently available and the current need. Along with Community Developer reps, TTVS and NDVS a working group is investigating how the VCSE sector could support hospital discharge and admission avoidance work at a place-based level.