Thank you to all of you who were able to attend our event last week, and for those who couldn’t make it, we missed you!
We had a really great energising, thoughtful and reflective morning full of lots of great conversations so I thought it would be helpful to share a summary of what we got up to!
The main aims of the morning were:
- For members of the community (YP and adults) to explore, understand, reflect and feedback their thoughts on the longlist of areas/topics that have been surfaced through our discovery phase.
- To bring together young people and professionals to be part of a collaborative and engaging process and explore ‘How might we…’ questions to inform the direction of Kailo.
- For the community to be energised and motivated to be involved with the next phase of Kailo
Summary of Kailo event A summary of the insights and outcomes of some of the discussions we had during the event, including highlighting the areas that this particular group found important.
Kailo- the story so far pdf A document that contains the “story of Kailo so far”, including how we have got to the key themes that have emerged.
Just a note to say though, that this is just the highlights from this one event. We are also facilitating other sessions similar to what we did with other groups, including young people, and will share what has come out of those in the near future!