One Northern Devon System Support Co-ordinator for Covid-19
New STP funded role, 1 x WTE for 5 months
- To provide a single point of contact into the community and volunteer support system in Northern Devon for hospital staff
- To provide a central point of contact for offers of support from OND partners, agencies and groups in Northern Devon
- To provide a system fall-back procedure if support cannot be found in One Communities or parishes by using GoodSam volunteers and matching partner agency support offers to need.
Key responsibilities:
- Receive calls/emails from hospital teams (?and other agencies) who have identified vulnerable patients in need of support
- Pass those details on through the OND community and volunteer support cascade system
- Map all partner and agency offers of support
- Match those support offers to areas that are not covered by the Ones or through our Parish point of contact
- Work with OND team to identify types of transport demand and co-ordinate Northern Devon response
- Work with OND team to identify types of home care and support demand and co-ordinate Northern Devon response
- Establish mechanism for partner agencies and others to identify the most vulnerable residents and create system map of support for these.
- Ensure system identifies and escalates risk through the existing statutory channels
Outcomes expected
- Pathways and processes created to effectively mobilise the OND Covid-19 Community Support framework
- Hospital teams and other partner organisations are clear about the support being offered by volunteers in One Communities and parishes
- Ensure guidance for using the support is clear. Currently this support is limited to non-contact shopping and prescription deliveries as well as phone calls.
- Hospital teams and other partner organisations have clear process for referring patients for community volunteer support
- Direct referral to SSC from hospital teams and other partner organisations to be set up
- Create the above process in a way that is safe (ie only appropriate referrals); timely (appropriate response times agreed); provides confidence (outcomes reported back); reliable (has continuity plans built in)
- One Communities and parishes receive referrals from SSC which provide all the relevant information
- Name, address, phone number, assistance needed, when needed to start, frequency of support requirement etc
- Create the above process in line with data protection laws/GDPR
- Outcome of referral into One Communities and parishes recorded and monitored
- If the One Community or parish is unable to allocate local volunteer support within the allotted time frame, a second line request is triggered
- Create a process (can be based on existing protocol being used at North Devon Council) that ensures unfulfilled requests are highlighted for escalation .Second line request will be through GoodSam volunteers. SSC will nee d to log on to the app to request appropriate volunteers
- Create a process that ensures unfulfilled GoodSam requests are highlighted for escalation to Third Line request
- Third line request will be through offers of support from OND partner agencies and local businesses
- Create a process that ensures unfulfilled Third Line requests are highlighted for return to referring agency and system failure logged.
- One Northern Devon system map of requests for volunteer support created and all offers of support including volunteer support, partner agency support and business support.
One Northern Devon Social Prescribing Co-ordinator
Revised role for 3 months during Covid-19 pandemic. NB – whilst the specific tasks have changed from what was agreed at OND to respond to the crisis – the purpose remains the same which is to provide a co-ordination and support role so that people in communities receive a joined up response and get the help they need.
- To bring social prescribing link workers and other link workers into the response plan
- To support co-ordination of volunteer response in parishes (One Community Lite model)
Key responsibilities:
- Be a key part of the group being set up to plan the parish response (Ali Boyd, Bev Triggs, Karen Evans, Darran Hill, Jan Williams, Hannah Mcdonald)
- Map the volunteer activity currently taking place in parishes (existing and new in response to covid-19). What is it? Can they take further referrals?
- Be the Spoc for the LA hubs in order to connect to the various volunteers in parishes (need deputy)
- If support is not available, refer to the OND Hub
- Offer support to all volunteers through various means
- Work with other NDVS and TTVS staff to complement existing work
One Northern Devon Community Developers
The focus of the OND Community Developers has been shifted to support the One Northern Devon Community Resilience Framework during this period.
To support their One Community to help the most vulnerable to self isolate by leading delivery in their community of the One Community Covid-19 action plan supported by the One Northern Devon Community Development Manager and One Communities Co-ordinator
Key responsibilities:
- Identify a Covid-19 community response team (from One Community and elsewhere)
- Join up all Covid-19 related community action to support existing action and identify gaps
- Act as central point of contact in their community for community volunteering requests in conjunction with their CVS employers.
- Establish a bank of Community Volunteers to support the self isolating with both practical support (shopping, prescriptions) and emotional support (befriending phone calls).
- Contribute to a social media campaign to encourage people to volunteer
- Link with NDC (if in North Devon) regarding central phone line
- Become the link between those requesting help and those volunteering their help – effectively a matching service for their One Community
- Keep a log of all requests for support and outcomes
- Keep up to date with national guidelines around Covid-19 through One Northern Devon and disseminating this information to the Community response team for onward dissemination.
- Raise any issues to the OND Covid-19 Operational team who will resolve or escalate through existing networks