How do people access the support for vulnerable, isolated people at home?
We have co-designed a process that allows multiple routes through to the support being offered by volunteers in communities.
At a community-level the Community Developers employed by NDVS and TTVS play a key co-ordinating role working closely with Town Councils, many of whom have offered staff time and other resources to support the work.
The One Community infrastructure has allowed for swift mobilisation of a Covid Response Team working to a consistent plan in each of the One Communities. However, in parishes and rural communities this infrastructure was not in place. We have therefore reassigned our Social Prescribing Co-ordinator Gail Mistlin to work with staff from NDVS and TTVS to support these communities.
At a District level both Local Authorities have established a Support Line for residents to call if they have concerns. Appropriate referrals are then cascading down to the appropriate contact.
At a Northern Devon level hospital teams and other partner agencies can refer people in through the newly recruited OND System Support Co-ordinator for Covid-19.
Teams working in communities told us the most appropriate route for them was directly in to the One Communities that many of them are already part of.
The diagram below reflects the different routes that can be taken to the same volunteer offer on the ground.