This page identifies what is currently available on a National, Regional and Local Level to support people in fuel poor households, where energy costs arein danger of pushing them beneath the poverty line.

One Northern Devon are not responsible for the content of 3rd party websites, if you require clarification or feel the need to dispute this information please contact the organisation responsible for maintaining these external sites.

Ilfracombe Warm Spaces

With the support of the local community warm spaces have been established across Ilfracombe where people can be assured of a safe, warm, non judgemental and friendly environment in which to enjoy refreshments, social activity, information and advice in the company of other people.

It is anticipated that this programme will continue to grow and more details published on what will be available at each specific venue or on a certain date so please check back here, keep an eye on our socials and the posters that will be visible at each one of the Ilfracombe Warm Space venues.

FREE Blankets are available from The Ilfracombe Earth Repair Shop, check out the Facebook page for opening times and more details.


Download latest PDF version here

Ilfracombe Library is about more than just books!

  • Warm space to use PC’s or free wifi and of course you can read a book (or two!)
  • Lots of different groups, activities and events – Find out more on their Facebook page – Here
  • Free coat rails have been running for several years and will again be offering a chance to both donate and take a warm winter coat. You can just help yourself, no questions asked linked with the Julian House Donate A Coat Campaign.
  • FREE Saturday breakfast club (9am until 12pm) for children at Ilfracombe Library. Orange and apple juice, breakfast bars, apples and bananas. Kindly funded by Tlc Charity Ilfracombe.

Freedom Centre – Freedom Community Alliance 

Barnstaple Town Council 

The Voice 

Age Concern Barnstaple’s Services

North Devon Council At Risk of Homelessness – Housing advice and financial support 

Barnstaple Library has more than just books! 

    • sit in the warmth and use our free WiFi or book a computer.
    • Groups ranging from Bounce & Rhyme for babies and toddlers to our Wednesday Wanderers walking group for 55s and over.
    • New Tea and Chat on Fridays 1.30-3.30pm. It’s free!
    • If you’re a new parent or carer, you can bring your baby and use our free weighing facilities to chart their growth.
    • Free coat rails have been running for several years and will again be offering a chance to both donate and take a warm winter coat. You can just help yourself, no questions asked. On the First Floor, there’s a Coat Rail linked with the Julian House Donate A Coat Campaign
    • If you’re job hunting, our Work Clubs will help you with one-to-one support in CV writing, developing your skills and applying for jobs online.
    • Starting or developing a business? Our Business & Intellectual Property Centre is right here with courses, webinars, one-to-one coaching and advice
    • There are free IT sessions on offer – just ask at the desk. And don’t forget if you’re housebound or struggle to get to the library, our Home Library Service can deliver not just books but a friendly chat too! Contact your local library or for details. 

Pop-up event in Barnstaple Library 26th Sept 1000-1500 / Energy Fair on 25th Sept.


Ask schools to communicate free school meal thresholds (PTFAs) – organise workshop/support in how to claim for parents

Tap for change for North Devon’s rough sleepers  The initiative aims to enhance support for local homeless charities through easily accessible donation points situated throughout Barnstaple.

The Bickford Centre (registered charity). A warm and welcome community hub for the over 60s.

Bideford Lighthouse Project; We provide supported accommodation for addicts seeking to maintain abstinence based recovery using mutual aid fellowships.

Holsworthy Warm spaces 

    • Holsworthy library as warm space during opening hours. 
    • Holsworthy warm coat bank – Mon-Fri 9-12pm Memorial hall 
    • Chilsworthy chapel offered as warm space 2nd and 4th Thursday 2pm-4pm Tea&Coffee (details tbc) 
    • Bodmin St Church as warm space during friendship group on Thursdays (details tbc)
  • South Molton Library Warm Welcome – puzzles, games, teas/coffees, warm space, social. – Amory House, 125 East Street, South Molton EX36 3BU 01769 572128 
  • YMCA – community fridge, toddler groups, warm community space, family support – 01769 579747 or  
  • Baptist Church – – warm space, community, social. New Road, South Molton EX36 4BH Andy Jarvis 07817 936405 
  • Methodist Church –warm space/social, family support, baby and toddler groups, girls brigade, ante natal – Linda Mitchell 
  • The George Hotel – welcoming warm space – 1 Broad St, South Molton EX36 3AB 01769 572514 
  • Quince Honey Farm – welcoming warm space – Pru Goodwin Events Manager – North Road, South Molton EX36 3AZ 01769 572401 
  •  The Coaching Inn – community events  – Queen Street, South Molton  01769 572526 
  • Skate Molton – suitable for young people in evenings – skate/chat/chill – 
  •  All coffee shops and cafes stay open over Winter in South Molton, particularly those on East Street.  
  • ATTRACTIONS | Visit South Molton 

The Fabulous Sprout, South Street  – older people’s coffee mornings – 07967 327917

Safe, warm spaces in Braunton 

Lunch at Christchurch A warm welcome. Arrive from 11.45am finishing 1.15pm. Cost £5. Booking essential – a few spaces available. Please contact Jean Watkins 01271 812703

To view the full list of Warm Spaces in North Devon

To apply for funding to create a warm space visit the North Devon Council Community Warm Spaces Fund (closes 31st March 2023 or when fund runs out)

Household support fund from 24th October – Means tested, one off payment.   

361 Energy Service 

Encompass South West 

North Devon Council Community Warm Spaces Fund 

Go North Devon

North Devon council-funded loans for home repairs, improvements, energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. For more information, visit or call Lendology on 01823 461099

North Devon Voluntary Services have spare oil-fired radiators, heated blankets 

Energy efficiency grants and loans (North Devon Council)

See what help you are eligible for with the online benefits calculator and  apply for Universal Credit:

Council tax reduction:

Discretionary housing payments:

Exceptional hardship payment:

Eco4 grant scheme

ECO is a Government programme where major utilities are required to provide funding towards the cost of domestic energy efficiency improvements.  The ECO4 funding scheme runs from 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2026. There are a wide range of energy efficiency measures that can be installed under ECO4 including insulation measures, heating measures and connections to district heating systems. More information can be found on Ofgem’s website.

There are two eligibility criteria for an ECO grant:

a)       Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) D,E,F,G (some expectations apply)

b)       Receipt of:

          – Child benefit – depends on income threshold; see table below

          – Housing benefit

          – Income based job seekers allowance

          – Income related employment & Support Allowance

          – Income Support

          – Pension Credit

          – Credit Savings Credit

          – Tax Credit (Child tax credit or working tax credit)

          – Universal Credit

  1 Child 2 children 3 children 4 children
One parent £19,900 £24,800 £26,900 £34,500
Couple £27,500 £32,300 £37,200 £42,000

The obligated energy suppliers offering assistance under this scheme can be found: ECO supplier contact details | Ofgem.

There are minimum requirements for a property’s Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) rating to be increased. SAP are used to underpin EPC’s. To meet the minimum requirement any starting Band F or G property treated must be improved to at least a Band D. Any starting Band D or E property treated must be improved to at least a Band C.

The final decision on whether any household will benefit from energy saving improvements or heating, rests with the obligated energy supplier or their contractors and may depend on:

•         survey carried out by installers, or their agents / contractors and installation costs calculated,

•         the energy savings that can be achieved for a property,

•         whether suppliers have achieved, or are close to achieving, their targets, and

•         other commercial considerations.

If a household is in receipt of one of benefit listed above, they are automatically eligible and don’t require Local Authority authorisation.

If an applicant is not eligible for an ECO grant, we would determine if they are eligible for a Local Authority ECO flex grant.  The Local Authority ECO flex has 4 available routes of assistance but NDC has initially gone live with route 1 and eligibility is listed below:

a)       Energy Performance Certificate D,E,F,G (some expectations apply)

b)       Household gross annual income less than £31,000. This cap applies irrespective of the property size, composition or region and is from all sources of income, including both non means test and means test benefits

Please see link with all the approved installers:

Please note that NDC doesn’t provide the ECO funding.  Funding is provided directly to the installers by the national energy providers.  The contractual relationship is between the householder and installer. 

We will be adding Route 3 – NHS Referrals in due course and eligibility is SAP bands D to G owner-occupied households and private rented sector E to G households that have been identified by either a person registered in the General Practitioner Register, a Scottish Health Board, a Welsh Health Board, an NHS Foundation Trust, or an NHS Trust as vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be impacted further by living in a cold home.

These health conditions may be: 

  • cardiovascular
  • respiratory
  • immunosuppressed
  • limited mobility related

Warm Up Grants

These grants, up to a maximum £3,000 per property, provide top up funding for energy efficiency measures where energy providers are part funding energy efficiency measures under their Energy Company Obligation (ECO) or to fund energy efficiency measures which do not attract Energy Company Obligation, for example insulation to mobile homes and the installation of central heating for the first time.

NDC will have an administration charge levied in providing the declaration necessary for clients to access the ECO Flexible Eligibility Scheme of £100 + VAT. This charge must be paid by the energy supplier or their agent and may not under any circumstances, be passed on to the client receiving assistance via the scheme. Billing will be monthly. Failure to pay a monthly bill may lead to declarations associated with the Energy Company being refused.

An online ECO4 Flex application form will need to be completed by the householder, agent or supplier.  It is imperative that the required evidence that demonstrates how the householder meets the eligible criteria as set out in the Statement of Intent are uploaded with the form. Please find below the link to the online application form:

NDC Statement of Intent (ECO4 Flex) – February 2023

Energy Efficiency grants leaflet

Devon County Council Grants

Utility Warehouse / Providers of multi-utility services including energy, insurance, mobile, broadband. Discount vouchers earned, the more services the more benefit. Big savings and very simple bills, easy to deal with and sold through local teams not national advertising. Also plenty of flexible work opportunities for people to become partners. Energy is the cheapest available tariff and they are still taking people on and they offer energy efficiency advice.  

South West Water Customer Liaison Team Offer water saving devices for anyone, plus advice, support around bill paying, plus grants and beneficial tariffs.  

“Films at the Library” encourages people to enjoy a good few hours of warm company while watching a good film. Tickets cost £3 and are on sale online through Eventbrite, or in person at each participating library. The film schedule is available at the Libraries Unlimited website

National Grid’s community matters fund With an application deadline of October 31st

Citizens Advice 

  • Have specially trained Energy Advisers who can help. To get in touch either visit the website of your local Citizens Advice at click on ‘Get Advice’ then go to the Energy tab. You can then fill in a self-referral form and one of the team will make contact. Alternatively you can ring the local AdviceLine on 0808 27 87 999.
  • The Empower Project. Support to empower people in Devon to take control of their own energy usage by providing them with the knowledge, skills and resources for this to be possible.
  • Citizen Advice Devon Energy Relief Scheme (Prepayment and Credit Meters)

361 Energy – offer help with energy debts/payment plans/tariffs/consumption/installation/funding schemes referrals/community group advice.  referrals must only be from people that are struggling

Livewest Housing Tenancy support fund

North Devon Homes  look to support customers in sustaining their tenancies wherever possible and encourage them to contact us for advice and support if they are struggling to understand if and how we can help. As part of this we may be able to signpost to or provide ‘Money Matters’ advice / referral and / or energy advice. We may also be able to provide support and / or information on any benefits and / or grants that might be available. Further information is available on our website and in our newsletters

Libraries Unlimited –  warm spaces, groups, services and business support

Encompass Southwest provides a range of advice, information and support services in communities across the south west of England, with a strong focus on rural/rural remote settlements. You can call us on 01271 371 499

  • Homelessness and Rough Sleeping for adults and young people
  • Supported Housing
  • Financial Inclusion (Money & Debt Advice)

Home insulation: How can it cut energy bills? – BBC News

Post office voucher  

Fuel cap until April 2023 

Pension Credit 

Grants for insulation

RGB, Travis Perkins and Screwfix have grant schemes for not-for-profit organisations. 

The charity Electrical Safety First has made up to £100,000 available (Applicants are invited to apply for up to £5,000 per organisation) to help fund electrical safety initiatives through partnership working at a local level, due to the likelihood of electrical safety being compromised by financial concerns. Closing date Sunday 23 October 2022

Home Upgrade grant (for local authorities) Local authorities can apply for grants for energy efficiency and clean heating upgrades in owner occupied and private rented sector fuel-poor homes. 

OFGEM – (The energy regulator for Britain) Advice on support with energy bills Getting help if you can’t afford your energy bills | Ofgem

Ofgem impartial Energy advice

£400 energy bills discount (from October, with the discount made in 6 instalments)

Warm Home Discount – £140 off electricity bill for eligible householders

Winter Fuel Payment – payment of £100 – £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills, if you were born on or before 5 January 1952 for eligible people.

Cold Weather Payment – payments are made when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days. Eligible householders will get a payment of £25 for each seven day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March.

The biggest UK energy suppliers have their own schemes to help their customers who are struggling to pay their energy bills: Contact your own energy supplier to discuss.

British Gas:



This page identifies what is currently available on a National, Regional and Local Level to support people in fuel poor households, where energy costs arein danger of pushing them beneath the poverty line.

One Northern Devon are not responsible for the content of 3rd party websites, if you require clarification or feel the need to dispute this information please contact the organisation responsible for maintaining these external sites.

Ilfracombe Warm Spaces

With the support of the local community warm spaces have been established across Ilfracombe where people can be assured of a safe, warm, non judgemental and friendly environment in which to enjoy refreshments, social activity, information and advice in the company of other people.

It is anticipated that this programme will continue to grow and more details published on what will be available at each specific venue or on a certain date so please check back here, keep an eye on our socials and the posters that will be visible at each one of the Ilfracombe Warm Space venues.

FREE Blankets are available from The Ilfracombe Earth Repair Shop, check out the Facebook page for opening times and more details.


Download latest PDF version here

Ilfracombe Library is about more than just books!

  • Warm space to use PC’s or free wifi and of course you can read a book (or two!)
  • Lots of different groups, activities and events – Find out more on their Facebook page – Here
  • Free coat rails have been running for several years and will again be offering a chance to both donate and take a warm winter coat. You can just help yourself, no questions asked linked with the Julian House Donate A Coat Campaign.
  • FREE Saturday breakfast club (9am until 12pm) for children at Ilfracombe Library. Orange and apple juice, breakfast bars, apples and bananas. Kindly funded by Tlc Charity Ilfracombe.

Freedom Centre – Freedom Community Alliance 

Barnstaple Town Council 

The Voice 

Age Concern Barnstaple’s Services

North Devon Council At Risk of Homelessness – Housing advice and financial support 

Barnstaple Library has more than just books! 

    • sit in the warmth and use our free WiFi or book a computer.
    • Groups ranging from Bounce & Rhyme for babies and toddlers to our Wednesday Wanderers walking group for 55s and over.
    • New Tea and Chat on Fridays 1.30-3.30pm. It’s free!
    • If you’re a new parent or carer, you can bring your baby and use our free weighing facilities to chart their growth.
    • Free coat rails have been running for several years and will again be offering a chance to both donate and take a warm winter coat. You can just help yourself, no questions asked. On the First Floor, there’s a Coat Rail linked with the Julian House Donate A Coat Campaign
    • If you’re job hunting, our Work Clubs will help you with one-to-one support in CV writing, developing your skills and applying for jobs online.
    • Starting or developing a business? Our Business & Intellectual Property Centre is right here with courses, webinars, one-to-one coaching and advice
    • There are free IT sessions on offer – just ask at the desk. And don’t forget if you’re housebound or struggle to get to the library, our Home Library Service can deliver not just books but a friendly chat too! Contact your local library or for details. 

Pop-up event in Barnstaple Library 26th Sept 1000-1500 / Energy Fair on 25th Sept.


Ask schools to communicate free school meal thresholds (PTFAs) – organise workshop/support in how to claim for parents

Tap for change for North Devon’s rough sleepers  The initiative aims to enhance support for local homeless charities through easily accessible donation points situated throughout Barnstaple.

The Bickford Centre (registered charity). A warm and welcome community hub for the over 60s.

Bideford Lighthouse Project; We provide supported accommodation for addicts seeking to maintain abstinence based recovery using mutual aid fellowships.

  • Holsworthy Warm spaces 
    • Holsworthy library as warm space during opening hours. 
    • Holsworthy warm coat bank – Mon-Fri 9-12pm Memorial hall 
    • Chilsworthy chapel offered as warm space 2nd and 4th Thursday 2pm-4pm Tea&Coffee (details tbc) 
    • Bodmin St Church as warm space during friendship group on Thursdays (details tbc)
  • South Molton Library Warm Welcome – puzzles, games, teas/coffees, warm space, social. – Amory House, 125 East Street, South Molton EX36 3BU 01769 572128 
  • YMCA – community fridge, toddler groups, warm community space, family support – 01769 579747 or  
  • Baptist Church – – warm space, community, social. New Road, South Molton EX36 4BH Andy Jarvis 07817 936405 
  • Methodist Church –warm space/social, family support, baby and toddler groups, girls brigade, ante natal – Linda Mitchell 
  • The George Hotel – welcoming warm space – 1 Broad St, South Molton EX36 3AB 01769 572514 
  • Quince Honey Farm – welcoming warm space – Pru Goodwin Events Manager – North Road, South Molton EX36 3AZ 01769 572401 
  •  The Coaching Inn – community events  – Queen Street, South Molton  01769 572526 
  • Skate Molton – suitable for young people in evenings – skate/chat/chill – 
  •  All coffee shops and cafes stay open over Winter in South Molton, particularly those on East Street.  
  • ATTRACTIONS | Visit South Molton 

The Fabulous Sprout, South Street  – older people’s coffee mornings – 07967 327917

Safe, warm spaces in Braunton 

Lunch at Christchurch A warm welcome. Arrive from 11.45am finishing 1.15pm. Cost £5. Booking essential – a few spaces available. Please contact Jean Watkins 01271 812703

To view the full list of Warm Spaces in North Devon

To apply for funding to create a warm space visit the North Devon Council Community Warm Spaces Fund (closes 31st March 2023 or when fund runs out)

Household support fund from 24th October – Means tested, one off payment.   

361 Energy Service 

Encompass South West 

North Devon Council Community Warm Spaces Fund 

Go North Devon

North Devon council-funded loans for home repairs, improvements, energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. For more information, visit or call Lendology on 01823 461099

North Devon Voluntary Services have spare oil-fired radiators, heated blankets 

Energy efficiency grants and loans (North Devon Council)

See what help you are eligible for with the online benefits calculator and  apply for Universal Credit:

Council tax reduction:

Discretionary housing payments:

Exceptional hardship payment:

View the full list of Warm Spaces in Torridge

361 Energy Service 

Encompass South West

Energy Rebate Scheme:

Household Support Fund:

Discretionary housing payments:

Torridge District Council Housing Options Team 01237 428700 will also take calls out of hours

Devon County Council Housing options

Devon County Council Grants

Utility Warehouse / Providers of multi-utility services including energy, insurance, mobile, broadband. Discount vouchers earned, the more services the more benefit. Big savings and very simple bills, easy to deal with and sold through local teams not national advertising. Also plenty of flexible work opportunities for people to become partners. Energy is the cheapest available tariff and they are still taking people on and they offer energy efficiency advice.  

South West Water Customer Liaison Team Offer water saving devices for anyone, plus advice, support around bill paying, plus grants and beneficial tariffs.  

“Films at the Library” encourages people to enjoy a good few hours of warm company while watching a good film. Tickets cost £3 and are on sale online through Eventbrite, or in person at each participating library. The film schedule is available at the Libraries Unlimited website

National Grid’s community matters fund With an application deadline of October 31st

Citizens Advice 

  • Have specially trained Energy Advisers who can help. To get in touch either visit the website of your local Citizens Advice at click on ‘Get Advice’ then go to the Energy tab. You can then fill in a self-referral form and one of the team will make contact. Alternatively you can ring the local AdviceLine on 0808 27 87 999.
  • The Empower Project. Support to empower people in Devon to take control of their own energy usage by providing them with the knowledge, skills and resources for this to be possible.
  • Citizen Advice Devon Energy Relief Scheme (Prepayment and Credit Meters)

361 Energy – offer help with energy debts/payment plans/tariffs/consumption/installation/funding schemes referrals/community group advice.  referrals must only be from people that are struggling

Livewest Housing Tenancy support fund

North Devon Homes  look to support customers in sustaining their tenancies wherever possible and encourage them to contact us for advice and support if they are struggling to understand if and how we can help. As part of this we may be able to signpost to or provide ‘Money Matters’ advice / referral and / or energy advice. We may also be able to provide support and / or information on any benefits and / or grants that might be available. Further information is available on our website and in our newsletters

Libraries Unlimited –  warm spaces, groups, services and business support

Home insulation: How can it cut energy bills? – BBC News

Post office voucher  

Fuel cap until April 2023 

Pension Credit 

Grants for insulation

RGB, Travis Perkins and Screwfix have grant schemes for not-for-profit organisations. 

The charity Electrical Safety First has made up to £100,000 available (Applicants are invited to apply for up to £5,000 per organisation) to help fund electrical safety initiatives through partnership working at a local level, due to the likelihood of electrical safety being compromised by financial concerns. Closing date Sunday 23 October 2022

Home Upgrade grant (for local authorities) Local authorities can apply for grants for energy efficiency and clean heating upgrades in owner occupied and private rented sector fuel-poor homes. 

OFGEM – (The energy regulator for Britain) Advice on support with energy bills Getting help if you can’t afford your energy bills | OfgemOfgem impartial Energy advice

£400 energy bills discount (from October, with the discount made in 6 instalments)

Warm Home Discount – £140 off electricity bill for eligible householders

Winter Fuel Payment – payment of £100 – £300 tax-free to help pay your heating bills, if you were born on or before 5 January 1952 for eligible people.

Cold Weather Payment – payments are made when your local temperature is either recorded as, or forecast to be, an average of zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days. Eligible householders will get a payment of £25 for each seven day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March.

The biggest UK energy suppliers have their own schemes to help their customers who are struggling to pay their energy bills: Contact your own energy supplier to discuss.

British Gas: