Community Development & Community Partnerships

Better and more equitable health and wellbeing for the people and communities of Northern Devon

Recognising that health services have only a 10% overall impact on residents health and wellbeing and the people that best understand communities are those that live and work in them, the One Communities (Community partnerships) and Community Developers bring together local organisations and groups to work on the things that matter to the local community across Northern Devon (North Devon & Torridge districts).

The One Communities, cross-sector place-based partnerships, bring together those involved in prevention and the wider determinants of health and wellbeing (social, economic and environmental factors) to help build safer, fairer, more cohesive and resilient communities.

Additionally, in Lynton and Lynmouth, whilst not a formal One Community, the CD post will seek to build relationships and develop partnership opportunities in the area. There is also a specific focus on children and young people and rural & coastal populations (that focuses on going ‘deeper, darker and wider’, seeking to amplify and include the voice of people in the hinterlands) through two connector roles that aim to create new opportunities and connecting work across North Devon & Torridge.

One Northern Devon (OND) supports the development of the One Communities and Community Development across Northern Devon through match funding, hosting a One Community group that brings together the One Communities to learn, share and develop together. Additionally, OND hosts a ‘Community Development steering group’ bringing together organisations invested in supporting Community Development across the area. 

Using a strengths-based approach, Community Developers and One Communities is supported by a Community Developer and a volunteer Chair to help members and residents:

  • Learn and identify what’s available locally
  • Consider any gaps in local provision
  • Understand ‘what matters’ to the local community by engaging with residents
  • Find ways to work together to increase the impact of place-based initiatives

Further info

One Northern Devon Communities Group

The OND One Communities group is the forum where representatives from the One Communities and organisations meet to share information, ideas and discuss common barriers. Where solutions can’t be found, these are escalated to the One Northern Devon alliance of partners. 

See ToR for OND Communities Group   

OND One Communities group rep: Louise Flagg – 

The One Communities are:

One Atlantic (Community group)

One Atlantic is a new Community forum consisting of private, public, charitable and third sector organisations. Our main focus is the health and wellbeing of our local communities in Bideford and the surrounding areas.

Chair: Tom Humphreys –

Community Developer: Trudi Mackie-Brown – (funded via TTVS Lottery funding)

Find out more on the One Atlantic website

See One Atlantic’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

One Barnstaple (Community group)

One Barnstaple is a forum of local voluntary, community and public service organisations in Barnstaple.  With a mission to effectively address challenges faced in and by our community. We work together, with compassion, to improve the wellbeing of our community; the place itself, those living, working and visiting it.  Driving us is our determination to improve wellbeing in and of Barnstaple by developing a local network made up of community members, residents, volunteers, and providers of services who work together to tackle local issues using shared assets, resources, and expertise.  We have over 120 Members representing a wide variety of services, groups and organisations who listen to what’s important to our community and celebrate the gifts and assets we have amongst us all.  Working as equals, we strive to animate our community in ways which focus on strengths and talents, connect and build trusting relationships which sustain through time. 

Chair: Jane

Community Developers: Ella McCann – and Rosey Mahoney –  (both funded by Barnstaple Town Council) 

Find out more on the One Barnstaple website

See One Barnstaple’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

Holsworthy & District Community Forum (Community group)

H&DCF was built on the links made between OND and the Holsworthy Mutual Aid Group and the work previously carried out by the Holsworthy Community Involvement Group (HCIG).  Geoff was invited to join the Holsworthy Community Involvement Group (HGIG), established by the NEW Devon CCG, following the closure of in-patient beds at Holsworthy Community Hospital, and was elected vice-chair.  HCIG’s recommendations, published in February 2019, included establishing a ‘One Community’ organisation for Holsworthy: Geoff convened a Steering Group to make this happen, leading to the establishment of the Holsworthy & District Community Forum, which he now chairs. The Community Developer for Holsworthy was working to support the mutual aid group during Covid lockdowns and carried out a large amount of engagement within the community.

Chair: Geoff Cusick –

Community Developer: Alison Skinner – (funded via TTVS Lottery funding)

Find out more on the H&DCF website

See Holsworthy and District Community Forum’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

One Ilfracombe Ltd (Not for profit)

One Ilfracombe is a not for profit company which brings together services, businesses and the community for better health, economic prosperity and a higher quality living environment for the people of Ilfracombe. Over the last 6 years, One Ilfracombe has developed and delivered many projects to improve the wellbeing of its residents. These have included the Community Connector social prescribing service, mental health and dementia awareness, The Town Team, Out of the Blue cadet programme, as well as many others. Recently, One Ilfracombe has received funding to expand the Community Connector Service for 2 hours a day in Combe Coastal GP surgery and employ a Community Development Officer.

Chair: Dr Sarah Williams (Living Well group) –

Programme manager: Steve Seatherton –

Community Developers:

  • Natalie Purdy-Guevara – (funded by One Ilfracombe)
  • Mary Midson – (funded via NDVS Lottery funding)
  • Charmaine Lovett (Project officer at Ilfracombe Town Council) – (funded by Ilfracombe Town Council)

Find out more on the One Ilfracombe website

See One Ilfracombe’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

Live Well in Braunton CIC (Community Interest Company)

Live well in Braunton is a community partnership started by Dr Susanna Hill, Lorraine Loveden, Roger Byrom and others in 2017. The aim of the group is to improve connections within Braunton which they have done by launching a website which provides links to all community organisations in the village. The group has published a directory with copies located at the GP surgery and venues in Braunton. Live Well in Braunton have recently received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to employ a Community Developer and Social Prescriber. Live Well in Braunton do not host their own forum but are an active member of the Braunton and Communities Forum.

Chair: Dr Susanna Hill –

Community Developer: Andrea Mules – (funded via LWIB Lottery funding)

Find out more on the Live Well in Braunton website

See Live Well In Braunton’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

One South Molton (Community group)

One South Molton aim is to bringing residents and service providers together who know the local area best, to work on things that matter most to their community. Only recently formed (early 2020) the group have rapidly formed to support South Molton and Community as part of the Covid-19 response.

Chair: Adam Crispin

Community Developer: Emily Abbott (funded via NDVS Lottery funding) and Verity Hanson (funded via South Molton Council)

Find out more on the One South Molton Website

See One South Molton’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

Torrington 100 (Community group)

The Torrington 100 group received funding from the improved Better Care Fund (Health and Social care funding) to employ two part time community developers. Torridge Volunteer services (TTVS) and The Plough Arts Centre are facilitating the project which aims to support Torrington’s satellite village communities as well as Great Torrington itself with an arts and culture based scheme. The group are also collaborating with Torrington Futures group and Care Forum to develop a website and database. Torrington 100 was originally the steering group for this project but are currently looking at evolving the group to have a wider focus around the health and wellbeing of Torrington.

Chair: Adrian Avery (Interim Chair) –

Community Developer: Amanda Smithson (funded via TTVS Lottery funding)

Find out more on the Torrington 100 website

See Torrington 100’s Community Development outputs/outcomes

Lynton & Lynmouth Community Developer 

A new Community Development post has been enabled via the 2024-2026 Lottery funding via NDVS. Whilst not a formal One Community, the CD post will seek to build relationships and develop partnership opportunities in the Lynton & Lynmouth area. 

Community Developer: Jess Twydall – (funded via NDVS Lottery funding)

Children & Young people connector 

A new Community Development post has been enabled via the 2024-2026 Lottery funding via NDVS. This post will focus on Children & young people. Creating new opportunities and connecting work across North Devon & Torridge.

Community Developer: Paul (funded via NDVS Lottery funding)

Rural & Coastal connector

A new Community Development post has been enabled via the 2024-2026 Lottery funding via NDVS. This post will focus on going ‘deeper, darker and wider’. Seeking to amplify and include the voice of people in the hinterlands across North Devon & Torridge.

Community Developer: Kim (funded via NDVS Lottery funding)