
In January 2020, One Northern Devon launched ‘High Flow’, a personalised and holistic support programme for the 20 most intensive users of public services in Northern Devon. The High Flow programme aims to better meet the needs of these individuals and use the learning to improve the future system response.

The ‘system’ works well for those with straightforward single service needs (one-off illness, emergency, job loss etc) but when people have multiple and complex needs, more time is needed to consider the needs of the person in the context of their lives and experiences recognising that childhood trauma can be the root cause of unhealthy behaviours and coping mechanisms. Often such individuals need more intensive support than most practitioners are able to give – accompanying to GP appointments, making social connections etc. High Flow aims to reduce the failure demand in the system that is generated by not providing people with the support they need to live the life they want.

High Flow is a personalised and holistic support programme for the 20 most intensive users of public services in Northern Devon. The programme aims to better meet the needs of these individuals and use the learning to improve the future system response. The High Flow caseworker will have a ‘What matters to me’ conversation with the individual and co-produce a bespoke support plan which aims to support the individual to life the life they want. When required, High Flow will take a Team Around the Person (TAP) approach, gathering a multi-agency team around the individual to share actions and better support them.

Click here for the full High Flow Service Specification 

High Flow Programme Logic Model

High Flow Overarching Theory of Change

20 of the most intensive unscheduled users of public services in Northern Devon who have consented to engagement with the High Flow caseworker

Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, Devon Partnership Trust, Devon and Cornwall Police, South West Ambulance Service Trust, Devon County Council, Torridge District Council, North Devon Council, Primary Care Networks and Encompass South West. In addition, other organisations are engaged where appropriate and relevant.

January 2020 to May 2021

Paul Jones- High Flow Project Co-ordinator p.jones@bpag-encompass.org.uk