Project Overview

HAND is a collaboration of people and organisations who have come together to co-design an integrated model of care and support of older people in Northern Devon.

We believe the best services are those that are co-designed by the people receiving the service and those who will be delivering it.

We are part of the Northern Local Care Partnership (part of Devon’s ICS) and are using service design principles to test and implement new ways of delivery. 

The Challenge

  • People living longer but with more health problems
  • Devon has a higher rate of all ages over 50 than the rest of England
  • Devon has lower rate of under 50s (who make up the majority of the care workforce)
  • Projected year on year increase in over 65s in North Devon
  • Increases in diseases linked to older age



Who we are

HAND is made up of the Steering Group who manage the project and the Working Group who delivery the project.

Steering Group Members

Fiona Duncan (FD) GP and Specialty Doctor in Healthcare for the Older Person, North Devon
Lead for Older Person’s Integrated Care, Torridge Health PCN and Barnstaple Alliance PCN
Andrea Beacham (AB) Partnerships & GP Liaison Lead,
One Northern Devon Programme Manager, RDUH
Kay Brennan Clinical Advisor, Northern Devon
Nicola Mitchell (NM) Population Health Management Coordinator, NHS Devon
Hannah Hopkins Clinical Lead for Frailty – Northern
Lucy Shaddick Professional Lead for Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Dan Smith Medicine Service Manager – NDDH
Trudy Reeve Head of Integrated Care (Northern) Devon ICB
Simone Thompson CEO TTVS
Andrew Jeffrey Activities Facilitator -EHCH Reconditioning Initiative
Tom Mack Active Devon – Partnerships Manager
Gordon Back Devon Partnership Trust
Stella Doble Assistant Director Health and Social Care Community Services North Devon
Nicola Cawse Devon Partnership Trust
Simon Rapsey One Northern Devon – Service Manager
Sue Matthews – Lived Experience Representative
Brian Clifton – Lived Experience Representative
Caroline Sandford  – Bideford Medical Centre – Practice Manager
Isobel Vanstone  – Senior Administrator – One Northern Devon.
Carole McCormack – Lived Experience Representative
Karen Davies – Medical Director, Northern Services, RDUH
Verity Hookway – Health & Wellbeing Coach – Torridge PCN

Steering Group Terms of Reference (currently a work in progress)

Steering Group Meeting Notes (currently a work in progress)

Working Group Members

Fiona Duncan (FD) GP and Specialty Doctor in Healthcare for the Older Person, North Devon
Lead for Older Person’s Integrated Care, Torridge Health PCN and Barnstaple Alliance PCN
Andrea Beacham (AB) Partnerships & GP Liaison Lead,
One Northern Devon Programme Manager, RDUH
Kay Brennan Clinical Advisor, Northern Devon
Hannah Hopkins Clinical Lead for Frailty – Northern
Lucy Shaddick Professional Lead for Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
Trudy Reeve  – Head of Integrated Care (Northern) Devon ICB
Tom Mack Active Devon – Partnerships Manager
Simon Rapsey One Northern Devon – Service Manager

Working Group Terms of Reference (currently a work in progress)

Latest Working Group Meeting Notes 

Our place in the system (details to follow)

What is our approach?

Design Framework

Discovery Phase

Older People Engagement Results 

GP Engagement Results 



What work are we doing together?


Tacking Loneliness with Transport 

Community Flow 



All of information below to either be incorporated into new structure above or deleted?

Live Longer Better’ forms part of One Northern Devon’s approach to Healthy Ageing in North Devon (HAND).

Live Longer Better One Communities Update Sept 22

They provide learning opportunities for people who are living longer, those people who provide  support, as professionals, as volunteers or as family members, and for those people who have to lead the revolution from where we are now, believing that everything is due to ageing and therefore immutable, to a society in which it is accepted that people can maintain and improve wellbeing at  any age


For those that have already engaged with the programme, it is vital we gather your
feedback on your experience and so a very short survey (5 mins) has been developed.
The survey is anonymous, unless you choose to leave your name and email address at the end.

Thank you
very much for taking the time to fill out this survey.

What next?

  1. For starters here is the link to a brief video (you may need to sign up for a free ‘basic’ vimeo account to access), maybe put this on at the start of your next OC meeting.
  2. Read Live Longer Better Professor Sir Muir Gray and LLB Pitch Doc: these explain the online learning programme which will help promote, accelerate and unify our thinking on longevity and advancing age.
  3. The LLB learning programme consists of 12 x 6-minute videos aimed at helping people drop a decade in their fitness. The nationwide programme is designed to reset how we all think and talk about ageing and so to help spread the word that growing old is not a reason to slow down mental, physical and cognitive ability.
  4. There are free professional/voluntary group licenses and citizen licenses available. Please contact to access these.
  5. To access the course, go to, enter your code and click on the ‘Redeem Now’ button.  You will be prompted to set up an account.
  6. Once you have set up your account, you will be able to access the course at any time from  If you have any questions regarding the use of the platform, simply click on the chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
  7. You will join a classroom of no more than 20 people. Lessons are pre-recorded, so you can watch at any time. There are optional assignments with each lesson (found in the notes). if completed these can be shared with others in the classroom for discussion.

A few extra resources to compliment the learning and the LLB approach 


Andrew Jeffery started in post in September 2022, working within One Northern Devon’s Enhanced Care in Care Homes ‘Reconditioning initiative’ as our Activity Co-ordinator.  See further info that was sent to Care Homes in the Spring of this year.

Enhanced Care in Care Homes – A Reconditioning Initiative Section – Download Powerpoint Presentation  – HERE

8th Sept 2022 update

So far 20 out of 46 homes have signed up (across Northern Devon) and Andrew has been visiting and developing relationships with managers, staff, residents and their families. Andrew will be developing his activity network and also helping promote and support care homes to sign up. North Coastal and Coast and Country PCNs/regions (Ilfracombe, Lynton, South Molton, Torrington, Holsworthy) have less homes signed up than Torridge and Barnstaple and so help with promotion would be very much appreciated.

Steady On Your Feet is a campaign led by the NHS and local authorities to help increase confidence and reduce the risk of falls. Our advice, guidance and resources are designed for anyone worried about feeling unsteady on their feet. They aim to equip people with simple tips to stay active, independent and safe during everyday activities. For more info visit




Reconditioning Games Powerpoint Presentation – Click HERE