August 2023


One Communities

For an overview and contact details visit our ‘One Communities’ page

For OC outputs and outcomes see past and present OND Place reports

For info on the One Northern Devon Communities group – a 6-weekly forum where representatives from the One Communities and related organisations meet together

Northern Local Care Partnership (NLCP) and the OC’s 

One Northern Devon, the One Communities group and the One Communities now play a key role within the NLCP (see Governance structure below).  

This is a great success and supports two of the key aims of the One Communities group (see OC group terms of reference) 

  • 4.4. To become an integral part of the wider Devon Integrated Care system, via the Northern Local Care Partnership, with the ability to draw in a broader partnership who are involved in services beyond health but vital to its wider determinants.  
  • 4.5. To ensure wider strategies are localised and achievable. 

Whilst discussions are underway to determine a potential merger of the NLCP and OND, The One Communities are currently, nested within the NLCP’s work-plan under the ‘Prevention, Health Inequalities and Population Health’ section (see NLCP Report June-July 2023 ). Other areas of focus include Urgent Care, Community health and care services, OND Flow, Integrated Care, Mental Health Partnership Forum and LCP Development work. 

As part of the ICB’s wider plans to devolve power, £124k has been allocated to the NLCP to support population health/health inequalities for 23/24. The NLCP have agreed to give OND £24k of this pot to extend Community Developer contracts until March 2024. This is a fantastic recognition of the value of the CD role and the One Community partnerships as part of an Integrated Health and Care system. 


One to keep an eye on…

Devon Community Assets Research Collaborative

Kailo – Adolescent Mental Health

One ‘Big circle co-design team’

Kailo Big Circle 14.09.23

Two ‘small circle co-design teams’

  • Bideford, focusing on: How might we inspire, support and connect young people to a diverse range of opportunities, jobs and careers?
  • Barnstaple, focusing on: How might we increase mental health awareness, literacy and strategies for young people, families and other key people in young people’s lives, so they can build stronger, more supportive relationships?

Kailo Outputs

An interactive map documenting the journey in Northern Devon 

Kailo website and blog:

Food insecurity summit and community-based participatory research update (Aug 2023)


OND Food Insight Report April 2021

OND Community Mental Health June 2021 report


One Ilfracombe – Piecing together the public sector puzzle using a person-centred, local system approach (A.Beacham, 2017)


Fuel Poverty


Active Travel