The One Barnstaple Flow pilot aimed to encourage and support organisations from the public, community and voluntary sector to understand how best to holistically support individuals with complex needs by tailoring what they offer to that individual’s needs. The project, which ran from March 2019-March 2020, encouraged professionals to understand individuals, their aspirations and the circumstances that helped and hindered them in reaching those aspirations by having an ‘understanding conversation’.

After jointly creating a plan to address issues that were important to the individual and recognising the support they were able to call on in the form of a family member, friend or neighbour, the professional was able to pull in support from other agencies in a ‘team around the person’ (TAP) approach. If the professional was unaware of or didn’t know how to access support, they contacted the Flow Wellbeing Co-ordinator who made wider connections within the community.

The learning from this pilot has now been considered and is now being rolled out to the rest of Northern Devon to facilitate an holistic approach to supporting individuals and using a TAP approach where appropriate.

The final evaluation report is available here