The Devon Mental Health Alliance (DMHA)
- The DMHA are a Mental Health VCSE Alliance for Devon
- Mind Devon and Co-Lab Exeter are lead partners for Northern Devon.
- Kelly Morriss (Devon Mind) is the locality manager for Plymouth, West and North Devon for Devon mind and the Devon Mental health alliance recovery practitioners
Three Recovery Practitioners for North Devon have been recruited, anticipating interventions will commence in Septembers
· What Recovery Practitioners can do:
- Skills Development
- Learning psychologically informed self-help strategies
- Accessing learning and education courses
- Access to support services/groups
- Signposting to relevant services specific to your needs
- Psycho-educational resources
- Support to access Devon Home Choice
- Support to access Benefits advice
- Accessing employment / volunteering opportunities
- Accessing Peer support and community network
- Tailored one-to-one sessions
- Amanda Kilroy is the lead for connecting the VCSE sector
- DMHA have appointed four MH Community Development Workers as part of their remit to meet the demands of CMHF implementation; Natasha (Northern Devon) will start post in late August 2022 and will be vital in linking and supporting MH initiatives and working closely with the One communities.
- The MH Alliance work is happening alongside the Link centre work and early talks are taking place.
- In the future, they will also be recruiting additional roles through the Alliance to support existing MH teams.