Hetty has a focus in North Devon. hupton@devonwildlifetrust.org
Here is a list of what DWT can currently offer ‘wilder communities’:
- Site visits – if communities/businesses/groups have a space that they are looking to improve for wildlife/nature then we can give advice about this.
- Online meetings- to discuss ideas/give advice on projects.
- Wildlife Garden Award – for small, medium, large private gardens, allotments, businesses, schools, community spaces. Currently free to apply. More info here: Wildlife Garden Award | Devon Wildlife Trust
- Talks series: Soon to be released talk series starting in November. First talk is on Pesticide Free communities. See events webpage for more details to follow. Events | Devon Wildlife Trust
- Resources – we will be developing more of these over the coming months as we design our new webpages and ‘wilder communities award’. This one is a bit of a ‘’watch this space’’. However, when communities get in touch with us currently we have a suite of online resources that we can send them links to.
- Hetty has time set aside that is dedicated to North Devon communities so she is a resource herself! DWT want to hear from communities about what THEY want to do, even if it’s just ideas at the moment. And then we can see if we can help with advice/guidance/resources. There may be times where deeper collaboration is appropriate but this would come out more organically through the discussions and relationship building that we do.
- And to clarify they don’t have additional funding to fund projects.