One Northern Devon is a collaboration of public, voluntary and community sector organisations working in Northern Devon.

The organisations involved in One Northern Devon and their representatives are:


Organisation Representatives
NHS Devon  John Womersley (Chair), Lou Higgins (Interim Locality Director)
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust Katherine Allen (Director of Strategy)
North Devon Council Ken Miles (Chief Executive), Cllr David Worden (Council Leader)
Torridge District Council Steve Hearse (Chief Executive) , Cllr Ken James (Council Leader)
Devon & Cornwall Police Superintendent Toby Davies 
Devon Partnership Trust Dr David Richardson (Clinical Director)
Devon County Council Stella Doble (Assistant Director of Adult Social Care and Community Services)
Public Health (Devon County Council) Charlotte Pavitt (Public Health consultant)
North Devon GP Collaborative Board Dr Oliver Hassall (Population Health and Health Inequalities Lead)
PETROC College of Further and Higher Education Sean Mackney (Principal)
Torridge Voluntary Services Simone Thompson (CEO)
North Devon Voluntary Services Marie Gould (CEO)
Active Devon Gareth Dix (Director – Strategic Relationships)
North Devon Homes Marc Rostock (Director of Neighbourhoods)
North Devon Plus Alan Dykes (Chair)
South West Business Council Tim Jones (Chair)
361 Energy Rob Passmore (Board Member)
Department for Work and Pensions Tony George (Partnership Manager)
How Places Work David Relph (Independent Consultant)
The One Communities Rolling Representative Seat (Chair of one of the One Communities)

One Communities 

Organisation Chairs
One Ilfracombe Rod Donovan
One Barnstaple Louise Flagg
One Atlantic Dr Ruth Tapsell 
One South Molton Alison Verney
Torrington 100 Simone Thompson
Live Well in Braunton Dr Susanna Hill
Holsworthy & District Community Forum  Geoff Cusick