Key Action Area
This page identifies what is currently available on a National, Regional and Local Level to assist people in households who are unable to afford sufficient food for a healthy diet.
?Ilfracombe Library – FREE Saturday breakfast club for children at Ilfracombe Library.
Orange and apple juice, breakfast bars, apples and bananas. Every Saturday. ALL WELCOME – 9am until 12pm
?North Devon Foodbank – Ilfracombe, 01271 865745 / 07422 651254 – Salvation Army, Community Hall, Torrs Park, EX34 8AY
Tuesday 1030-1330 & Friday 1030-1330
Tea and Chat at Barnstaple Library
Wellbeing Cafes – Barnstaple PCN
Baptist Church – Welcome Wednesday (Soup, Sandwich and cake for all)
Age Concern Barnstaple – Pub lunch Club £10 for 2 courses and non alcoholic drinks
Punk Pantry Barnstaple and Blessings Box, including Patch’s Pet Food Bank
Food banks in Barnstaple
Early Nourishment CIC – – offer free snacks and a warm space at sessions for parents and babies
- Inspire South West have a well-established set-up for collecting and redistributing surplus food locally – collecting from numerous supermarkets on a daily basis.
- The Freedom Centre also collect surplus food in Barnstaple for pick-up
The Freedom Centre Hot Lunches, also collect surplus food in Barnstaple for pick-up
Torrington Community Food Bank | Facebook
- Torrington Community Food Bank –Provide food and advice – on trust, not means testing Via Town council website and Torrington Community Food Bank | Facebook and based at The Baptist Church, New St Torrington
- Morrisons – Supermarket community Support – Claire is community champion – a paid role. Locally offer support via donations of goods – charitable and food ‘waste’, raffle prizes, £200 a month to distribute as donations, Plus ‘Pick up packs’ for food banks. Nationally support the Trussell Trust. Also offer foyer space for direct appeals from other charities.
The The Plough Arts Centre, serves as a both a meeting place and a cultural hive of activity. Its a collection point for the food bank, the cafe has reopened in the evenings and has introduced children’s meals for £1. And thanks to Town Council funding, locals can now buy film tickets for just £4. Also home to a thriving youth theatre with funding to offer free places to those in need.
Free Community Christmas Day Lunch @ Bideford rugby Club. To book on call Rose on 07895035091 or Lucy on 07518066623
Northern Devon Foodbank, Supreme House, Pitt Lane, Bideford, Devon, EX39 3JA. Telephone 01237 422243
East the Water (Bideford) East The Water Community Food Pantry | Facebook
Bideford Bridge Trust Grants – Hardship grants (for individuals and organisations)
Morrisons Bideford give all their waste to the ETW food pantry and also make up bags of essentials customers can purchase and donate. Claire Jolley is the community champion in Bideford and is very keen to get involved with any community initiatives
The Appledore Bakery – We’re trying to help people hang on in there during these tough times and you can help us simply by the click of a button. We supply the local Food Banks as often as we can, but some people are too proud/scared/nervous about going to a food bank. Buy a ‘hanging loaf’ from our online shop and we will add a token to our Bread Basket on the bakery counter. Anyone in need can come into the bakery and exchange a token for a loaf. “And with the rise of good bread also comes, hearteningly, the rise of the community bakery, returning bread to its old role at the heart of village life” (The Guardian)
Main Food Banks in Bideford: The Food Pantry, East-the-water; Trussell Trust, Bideford; The Storehouse, Bideford; Christians Against Poverty
- Friday Lunch: St Mary’s Church; Tuesday Lunch: Lavington Church
- Libraries are offering warm hubs.
The Braunton foodbank at South Street church has had an open evening for volunteers and had 30 people offer to help. They plan to open on 9th Nov – they will also be a ‘warm space’
Café (see ‘warm spaces’ link above), Opens 9/11. Light lunch, tea/coffee, no payment but donations accepted. Registered under Northern Devon Food Bank under Trussell Trust. Food accessed via voucher system from professionals – accesses 3-4 days of emergency food supplies
Holsworthy Foodbank | Northern Devon Foodbank
Holsworthy Community Fridge – tackling food waste, fresh produce for all
Holsworthy Food Hub – fresh and packed food boxes at reduced prices (e.g £5 box worth £12)
YMCA Community Fridge – YMCA Mill Street, South Molton EX36 4AS –01769 579547
South Molton food bank – at the YMCA – referrals only – 07422651253
The Churches (Methodist, Baptist, C of E)
the Freemasons
Volunteer Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau
The Good Samaritans Trust
Re – Volition Community Interest Company
Household Support Fund (North Devon only) – help with food and utility costs if you are over 16, living in North Devon and struggling financially
Reaching for Independence North Devon – – Budgeting, shopping, managing money – The service is designed to increase independence and to improve skills where possible for people who have learning disabilities. This could be through accessing public transport, meeting friends/accessing the community, managing paperwork and creating manageable bill paying systems.
East The Water Community Foodbank
Re – Volition Community Interest Company
Household Support Fund (Torridge only) – help with food and utility costs if you are over 16, living in Torridge and struggling financially
Reaching for Independence North Devon – – Budgeting, shopping, managing money – The service is designed to increase independence and to improve skills where possible for people who have learning disabilities. This could be through accessing public transport, meeting friends/accessing the community, managing paperwork and creating manageable bill paying systems.
Kickback kitchen Kitchen meals are freshly made, without preservatives, from surplus ingredients, where possible; whipped up in school and community kitchens by a team of local chefs
The winter programme of activities is now live, HAF providers – Christmas 2022 – Education and Families ( Some providers are including hampers in their offer and trips out to the pantomime or cinema , and meals for the family.15% of the fund can be used for children who are not FSM and the criteria for that is listed on the website, at Christmas it is for 4 days all information is on the website
The Trussel Trust – Food Banks
Devon Community Foundation – Project Food
Community Fridge Food Hub Fund
HAF Programmes operating throughout Devon
Devon County Council Holiday Activity and Food Scheme
Citizens Advice Devon (Torridge, North, Mid & West Devon) – 0808 278 7999. Your local free advice and information service, here to help you to understand your rights and responsibilities and help you find a way forward.
Navigate – money, benefits and debt advice (Somerset & Devon)
LiveWest – Win a slow cooker to help reduce your fuels bills
Think Safe when saving (Fire Safety Advice)
Olio App offers a peer to peer platform for free food sharing. They have arrangements with some stores (e.g. Tesco) where their ‘Food Waste Heroes’ collect surplus and make it available via the app.
Too Good To Go App
Hubbub action for planet including sustainable and frugal campaigns
Friends of the Elderly currently have four grant streams open for older people who are of/over state pension age, have savings of less than £4,000, and who do not fit the criteria for other funders.
Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme (UK) The Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme is offering grants of up to £1,000 to schools in the UK to set up Breakfast clubs for those children in most need.
Asda Foundation Grants – incl Cost of Living Grant to help organisations keep their buildings open, and/or to continue to support those most impacted Funds can be spent till February 2023. Applications can be made through each local Asda store’s Community Champion –
Asda launches £1 cafe meal deal for over 60s to help with cost of living
BBC Cost of living tips and resources
Co-op Community Fridge Fund (UK) Grants of £4,000 are available. Hubbub will also provide support, guidance and resources to help organisations establish their Community Fridge. The closing date for applications is the 30th October 2022.
The Sense Cost of Living Support Fund – now closed – but Find out more about benefits and financial help that disabled people might be entitled to.
Turn2us – free and easy-to-use Benefits Calculator and Grants Search tools to check what benefits you might be able to claim and what grants you might be able to apply for
HSBC Rising cost-of-living financial Advice – find ideas on how to cut back on spending and ways to reduce the stress
The Trussell Trust offer support for those wanting to set up food banks
Friends of the Elderly Grants of up to £400 for Older People living on low incomes. A professional on behalf of an older person in need must make the application.
Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. Not means tested.
Grants to support Individuals and families in Need Up to £2,000 are available to charities, housing associations, schools and social services providing support for individuals and families across the UK who are in financial need.
Key Action Area
This page identifies what is currently available on a National, Regional and Local Level to assist people in households who are unable to afford sufficient food for a healthy diet.
?Ilfracombe Library – FREE Saturday breakfast club for children at Ilfracombe Library.
Orange and apple juice, breakfast bars, apples and bananas. Every Saturday. ALL WELCOME – 9am until 12pm
?North Devon Foodbank – Ilfracombe, 01271 865745 / 07422 651254 – Salvation Army, Community Hall, Torrs Park, EX34 8AY
Tuesday 1030-1330 & Friday 1030-1330
Tea and Chat at Barnstaple Library
Wellbeing Cafes – Barnstaple PCN
Baptist Church – Welcome Wednesday (Soup, Sandwich and cake for all)
Age Concern Barnstaple – Pub lunch Club £10 for 2 courses and non alcoholic drinks
Punk Pantry Barnstaple and Blessings Box, including Patch’s Pet Food Bank
Food banks in Barnstaple
Early Nourishment CIC – – offer free snacks and a warm space at sessions for parents and babies
- Inspire South West have a well-established set-up for collecting and redistributing surplus food locally – collecting from numerous supermarkets on a daily basis.
- The Freedom Centre also collect surplus food in Barnstaple for pick-up
The Freedom Centre Hot Lunches, also collect surplus food in Barnstaple for pick-up
Torrington Community Food Bank | Facebook
- Torrington Community Food Bank –Provide food and advice – on trust, not means testing Via Town council website and Torrington Community Food Bank | Facebook and based at The Baptist Church, New St Torrington
- Morrisons – Supermarket community Support – Claire is community champion – a paid role. Locally offer support via donations of goods – charitable and food ‘waste’, raffle prizes, £200 a month to distribute as donations, Plus ‘Pick up packs’ for food banks. Nationally support the Trussell Trust. Also offer foyer space for direct appeals from other charities.
The The Plough Arts Centre, serves as a both a meeting place and a cultural hive of activity. Its a collection point for the food bank, the cafe has reopened in the evenings and has introduced children’s meals for £1. And thanks to Town Council funding, locals can now buy film tickets for just £4. Also home to a thriving youth theatre with funding to offer free places to those in need.
Free Community Christmas Day Lunch @ Bideford rugby Club. To book on call Rose on 07895035091 or Lucy on 07518066623
Northern Devon Foodbank, Supreme House, Pitt Lane, Bideford, Devon, EX39 3JA. Telephone 01237 422243
East the Water (Bideford) East The Water Community Food Pantry | Facebook
Bideford Bridge Trust Grants – Hardship grants (for individuals and organisations)
Morrisons Bideford give all their waste to the ETW food pantry and also make up bags of essentials customers can purchase and donate. Claire Jolley is the community champion in Bideford and is very keen to get involved with any community initiatives
The Appledore Bakery – We’re trying to help people hang on in there during these tough times and you can help us simply by the click of a button. We supply the local Food Banks as often as we can, but some people are too proud/scared/nervous about going to a food bank. Buy a ‘hanging loaf’ from our online shop and we will add a token to our Bread Basket on the bakery counter. Anyone in need can come into the bakery and exchange a token for a loaf. “And with the rise of good bread also comes, hearteningly, the rise of the community bakery, returning bread to its old role at the heart of village life” (The Guardian)
Main Food Banks in Bideford: The Food Pantry, East-the-water; Trussell Trust, Bideford; The Storehouse, Bideford; Christians Against Poverty
- Friday Lunch: St Mary’s Church; Tuesday Lunch: Lavington Church
- Libraries are offering warm hubs.
The Braunton foodbank at South Street church has had an open evening for volunteers and had 30 people offer to help. They plan to open on 9th Nov – they will also be a ‘warm space’
Café (see ‘warm spaces’ link above), Opens 9/11. Light lunch, tea/coffee, no payment but donations accepted. Registered under Northern Devon Food Bank under Trussell Trust. Food accessed via voucher system from professionals – accesses 3-4 days of emergency food supplies
YMCA Community Fridge – YMCA Mill Street, South Molton EX36 4AS –01769 579547
South Molton food bank – at the YMCA – referrals only – 07422651253
The Churches (Methodist, Baptist, C of E)
the Freemasons
Volunteer Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau
The Good Samaritans Trust
Re – Volition Community Interest Company
Household Support Fund (North Devon only) – help with food and utility costs if you are over 16, living in North Devon and struggling financially
Reaching for Independence North Devon – – Budgeting, shopping, managing money – The service is designed to increase independence and to improve skills where possible for people who have learning disabilities. This could be through accessing public transport, meeting friends/accessing the community, managing paperwork and creating manageable bill paying systems.
East The Water Community Foodbank
Re – Volition Community Interest Company
Household Support Fund (Torridge only) – help with food and utility costs if you are over 16, living in Torridge and struggling financially
Reaching for Independence North Devon – – Budgeting, shopping, managing money – The service is designed to increase independence and to improve skills where possible for people who have learning disabilities. This could be through accessing public transport, meeting friends/accessing the community, managing paperwork and creating manageable bill paying systems.
Kickback kitchen Kitchen meals are freshly made, without preservatives, from surplus ingredients, where possible; whipped up in school and community kitchens by a team of local chefs
The winter programme of activities is now live, HAF providers – Christmas 2022 – Education and Families ( Some providers are including hampers in their offer and trips out to the pantomime or cinema , and meals for the family.15% of the fund can be used for children who are not FSM and the criteria for that is listed on the website, at Christmas it is for 4 days all information is on the website
The Trussel Trust – Food Banks
Devon Community Foundation – Project Food
Community Fridge Food Hub Fund
HAF Programmes operating throughout Devon
Devon County Council Holiday Activity and Food Scheme
Citizens Advice Devon (Torridge, North, Mid & West Devon) – 0808 278 7999. Your local free advice and information service, here to help you to understand your rights and responsibilities and help you find a way forward.
Navigate – money, benefits and debt advice (Somerset & Devon)
LiveWest – Win a slow cooker to help reduce your fuels bills
Think Safe when saving (Fire Safety Advice)
Olio App offers a peer to peer platform for free food sharing. They have arrangements with some stores (e.g. Tesco) where their ‘Food Waste Heroes’ collect surplus and make it available via the app.
Too Good To Go App
Hubbub action for planet including sustainable and frugal campaigns
Friends of the Elderly currently have four grant streams open for older people who are of/over state pension age, have savings of less than £4,000, and who do not fit the criteria for other funders.
Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme (UK) The Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme is offering grants of up to £1,000 to schools in the UK to set up Breakfast clubs for those children in most need.
Asda Foundation Grants – incl Cost of Living Grant to help organisations keep their buildings open, and/or to continue to support those most impacted Funds can be spent till February 2023. Applications can be made through each local Asda store’s Community Champion –
Asda launches £1 cafe meal deal for over 60s to help with cost of living
BBC Cost of living tips and resources
Co-op Community Fridge Fund (UK) Grants of £4,000 are available. Hubbub will also provide support, guidance and resources to help organisations establish their Community Fridge. The closing date for applications is the 30th October 2022.
The Sense Cost of Living Support Fund – now closed – but Find out more about benefits and financial help that disabled people might be entitled to.
Turn2us – free and easy-to-use Benefits Calculator and Grants Search tools to check what benefits you might be able to claim and what grants you might be able to apply for
HSBC Rising cost-of-living financial Advice – find ideas on how to cut back on spending and ways to reduce the stress
The Trussell Trust offer support for those wanting to set up food banks
Friends of the Elderly Grants of up to £400 for Older People living on low incomes. A professional on behalf of an older person in need must make the application.
Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. Not means tested.
Grants to support Individuals and families in Need Up to £2,000 are available to charities, housing associations, schools and social services providing support for individuals and families across the UK who are in financial need.